Mr Olivier MAHEUX, director of cinema programming, programmer for young audiences and fiction, has taken the initiative to propose "young audiences" screenings of the film "La Couleur de la Victoire" for the Van Gogh and Ampère colleges of the city of Arles. A meeting with the school management made it possible to welcome some 400 students between 11 and 12 April and 16 and 17 April.
A first assessment is very positive, all the students seem to have liked the film. Everyone was able to find a connection with what they had studied in history or English in class, but also with their personal sports or other expériences.
On a delicate subject the film was considered "affordable" and easy to understand while losing nothing in quality, the images of the Olympic stadium were for example very appreciated.
Other programs will certainly be offered to other colleges, racism and anti-Semitism are unfortunately subjects that continue to cross society.